Monday, February 11, 2013


2/22/13 VIDEO (1 of 3)

Hello there Family and friends!

Well Hey!  So I am still hanging in here doing good! Yesterday ended the transfer with 6 weeks here in Virrey Del Pino and we are working super hard!  We are going to have a baptism this Saturday! This Hermana of a member is getting baptized and she is just great! She is progressing super well and understands the Plan of Salvation and everything, most important she is super excited to get baptized!
So ‘NEWS FLASH” kido’s, in 11 days “ I WILL HAVE BEEN ON MY MISSION FOR 1 YEAR!!!!!  Whaatttt!!!! How crazy is that!!!! 1 more and I will be home!!!!! YAY!  But not really YAY, gonna miss the MISH!!! haha

Well this past week was uneventful,. nothing really exciting happened except there was one crazy event that occurred when we were walking with a member family, who was taking us out to eat. This creepy guy stopped us in the road and asked us what we had for him,  I was so confused.  He would not talk to Elder Bustamante or the family, he kept saying, “ I only trust the American”, and he kept asking for my address and all this stuff.  After about the third request  I plainly told him, “If  you want to find me you can find me in the Church on Sunday at 9 am, I’ll save you a seat” LOL. It was a super creepy and weird experience though.

On the other hand a really cool experience I had this week was teaching a lady named Betty.  She has a problem with smoking so we taught her the Word of Wisdom and we set goals with her!  So the day after we went to visit her and she had only smoked 3 cigarettes from her usual 20 cigarette a day vice! That was so cool yet I am sure it was hard for her, very exciting for her and us!

Also in Church on Sunday we had the opportunity to hear from the Temple President and his Wife.  They came to our ward and gave some amazing talks about the Temple and the importance of why we need to go to the Temple. We are so blessed in Utah to have so many Temples available to us! For the past few weeks Alina has been practicing with the Priesthood Holders and as a choir  we sang that day for the President and I was moved as I glanced out at the ward and the amazing members here. Also the haircut that Alina gave me is looking pretty darn good compared to some of the past ones!

A funny little story, yesterday after church, the relief society president was just cooking up a storm in the kitchen of the church, and we were starving so we kind of just waited around the kitchen and she gave us a plate of what looked like beef with soy sauce, it smelt so good.  I asked her what it was and she told me to eat it and she would tell me after, so I did and it was delicious little did I know it was cow heart, fresh... haha!

Well this week is Valentines day if I am correct, and so  I hope everyone has a great Day of Love! We should share God’s love daily though right!  So in my absence GIVE LOTS OF KISSES AND HUGS FOR ME TO ALL AND LOOK FOR OPPORTUINITIES TO PASS THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST ON ! Thanks for keeping me “Dear To The Heart: Mom, in your mini midweek emails, they jump start my Pdays and mean a lot!  Well I LUV YOU ALL SO MUCH so go and have a  good one now!!

Yours Truly,
Elder Wade Draper